Out of the many filters and tags in Django, here I listed those that I think more useful ones.


  1. block
  2. comment
  3. csrf_token
  4. debug
  5. extends
  6. filter
  7. for
  8. if
  9. include
  10. load
  11. lorem
  12. now
  13. url
  14. verbatim
  15. with


  1. date
  2. default
  3. default_if_none
  4. dictsort
  5. dictsortreversed
  6. divisibleby
  7. escape
  8. escapejs
  9. filesizeformat
  10. first, last
  11. floatformat
  12. iriencode, urlencode
  13. join
  14. last, first
  15. length
  16. length_is
  17. linebreaksbr
  18. linenumbers
  19. ljust, rjust
  20. lower, upper
  21. phone2numeric
  22. pluralize
  23. pprint
  24. rjust, ljust
  25. safe
  26. safeseq
  27. slice
  28. slugify
  29. stringformat
  30. time
  31. truncatechars
  32. truncatechars_html
  33. truncatewords
  34. truncatewords_html
  35. lower, upper
  36. urlencode
  37. wordcount

Don’t forget to check this out, Humanize. Humanize tags are awesome.