
  • $\Omega$: sample space.
  • $\omega$: sample outcome (aka. sample, outcomes, sample point, realization, element).
  • $A$: event, subset of $\Omega$, $A \subseteq \Omega$.
  • $\mathcal{A}$: $\sigma$-algebra, aka. $\sigma$-field, a set of events that satisfy three criteria:
    • $\emptyset \in \mathcal{A}$.
    • if $A \in \mathcal{A}$, then $A^c \in \mathcal{A}$ (closed under complementation).
    • If $A_i \in \mathcal{A}$ for $i \in \mathbb{N}$, then $\cup_i A_i \in \mathcal{A}$ (closed under countable unions).

Note, while an event $A$ is a set of sample outcomes $\omega$ from the sample space $\Omega$, a $\sigma$-algebra is a set of events. There can be multiple $\sigma$-algebras associated with a given sample space, but in probability, the most important one is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra that includes all subsets of the sample space. Take the sample space of the throwing a coin once for example, \(\Omega = \{H, T\}\), and the corresponding smallest $\sigma$-algebra with all subsets is \(\{\emptyset, \{H\}, \{T\}, \{H, T \} \}\) with four elements.

More definitions:

  • $\mathbb{P}: \mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, probability function (aka. probability distribution, probability measure) that maps an event $A$ to $[0, 1]$. $\forall A \subseteq \Omega, 1 \ge \mathbb{P}(A) \ge 0$. $\mathbb{P}(\emptyset) = 0, \mathbb{P}(\Omega) = 1$. Note, the elements in $\mathcal{A}$ are called measurable sets. They’re measurable in the sense that $\mathbb{P}$ can assign value for them. Without restriction to probability, the quantity is just called measure.
  • $(\Omega, \mathcal{A})$: measurable space.
  • $(\Omega, \mathcal{A}, \mathbb{P})$: probability space. Aka. measure space if without restriction to probability.
  • $X: \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$: random variable, a mapping from a sample outcome to a real number.
  • \(X^{-1}(x) = \{\omega \in \Omega: X(\omega) = x\}\), known as the preimage. Basically, $X^{-1}$ maps an value back to the event, denoted as $A$, in which all elements satisfy $X(\omega) = x$.
  • The relatinoship between $\mathbb{P}$ and $X$: we denote \(\mathbb{P}(\{ \omega \in \Omega: X(\omega) = x\}) = \mathbb{P}(A) =\mathbb{P}(X=x)\). Here, $X=x$ is just a shorthand, meaning the set of all $\omega$ with $X(\omega) = x$, denoted by $A$.
  • A probability model consists of three components (Ref: Chapter 1 notes of Discrete Stochastic Processes course):
    1. A sample space $\Omega$.
    2. A class of events $\mathcal{A}$.
    3. A probability measure $\mathbb{P}$.

Note, while the probability function $\mathbb{P}$ maps an event $A$ to a real value between 0 and 1, the random variable function $X$ maps a sample outcome $\omega$ to a real number.

Take the stochastic process of throwing a coin twice for example,

  • \(\Omega = \{HH, HT, TH, TT\}\).
  • E.g. $\omega = HH$, if both throw ends in head.
  • E.g. \(A = \{HH, HT\}\), i.e. all sample outcomes with the first throw in head.
  • \(\mathbb{P}(\{HH, HT\}) = 2 / 4\), i.e. the probability of having the first throw in head. In comparison, the probability of having at least one head is \(\mathbb{P}(\{HH, HT, TH\}) = 3 / 4\).
  • Let $X$ be the number of heads, then $X(HH) = 2$, $X(HT) = 1$, $X(TT) = 0$, e.g. \(\mathbb{P}(X = 1) = \mathbb{P}(\{HT, TH\}) = 2 / 4\). $\mathbb{P}(X = 1)$ known as the probability of having one head, its value can be calculated by dividing the number of all elements with one head divided by that of all elements. All the elements with one head consistute the event $A$ we’re interested in here.